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建立并维持赌钱app可以微信提现获得联邦财政援助的资格, you must meet satisfactory academic progress (SAP) standards.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy

建立并维持赌钱app可以微信提现获得联邦财政援助的资格, 学生必须达到令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准. 联邦法规要求学生取得令人满意的学业进步,以获得合格的学位, 证书, or transfer program leading to a bachelor’s degree. 为了遵守这一规定,建立了以下SAP标准.

SAP评估将在收到FAFSA信息和每个注册学期结束时进行打包, including summer. Evaluation is based on primary major and cumulative 赌钱app可以微信提现 and transfer credit coursework 作为出现在学生的官方成绩单从认可机构, 包括英语作为第二语言(ESL)和补习课程. Only credit courses are considered for SAP evaluation. 没有进行SAP的学生将通过他们的学生电子邮件帐户收到通知. (注:在SAP中,时钟时间计划作为学分计算.)

Students can check their current SAP status in their My赌钱app可以微信提现 账户. 找到 金融援助 & 奖学金 card, then click the 我的经济援助 按钮,选择“资助年度”,然后单击“学业进展满意”.

The three SAP standards are evaluated by the following criteria:

1. Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA)

Students must attain a minimum 累积平均绩点 of 2.0 (Most recent grade earned will be used in GPA computation).

2. Pace (Percentage of Completion)

Students must successfully complete 66.667%的学时试图出现在他们的官方成绩单上. 这包括所有入学期间,无论是否申请或获得经济援助. 以下成绩不影响累积GPA,但将被计算为尝试(但未完成)学分:“I”(未完成), “W”(撤销), or “R” (repeated). 学生在入学学期结束前未完成的自定进度课程将被记录为“I”级,直到课程完成. 一个不完整的课程可能会延迟未来的联邦财政援助支付,直到最后的信件成绩张贴.

Attempted Credit Hours Required Credit Hours Completed
12 8
15 10
18 12
24 16
30 20

3. Maximum Time Frame

学生完成学术课程的最长时间不得超过课程公布长度的150%. 例如, if the published length of the program is 60 credit hours, the maximum number of attempted credit hours may not exceed 90. 完成课程总学时的150%后(包括赌钱app可以微信提现和所有记录在案的转学学时), students are no longer eligible for federal financial aid.



金融援助 Warning Status

未达到SAP GPA或Pace标准的学生将在下一个学期自动被置于“警告”状态. 在警告期内,学生可以继续获得经济援助. 然而, 在警告期结束时未进行SAP的学生将没有资格获得经济援助,并被置于NSAP(经济援助无资格)状态. 为了重新获得资格,学生需要提交一份SAP上诉.

金融援助 Ineligibility Status (NSAP) and Appeals

学生可以通过填写并向财务援助办公室提交SAP上诉来上诉他们的NSAP状态. 形式 must be submitted with appropriate documentation. 学生必须与辅导员会面,以审查他们的学位检查审计或Stellic计划,并确定赌钱app可以微信提现预计的最后一个学期的出修率. 预期的最后一个学期必须包括在提交的上诉中. Students are allowed to appeal financial aid eligibility two times. Once an appeal is reviewed by the SAP Appeal Committee, the decision or recommendation is final, and the student will be notified of the outcome.

If the appeal is denied, 学生将保持NSAP状态,并且必须支付教育费用,直到达到SAP标准.  此拒绝优先于学生之前可能收到的任何经济援助通知.

If the appeal is approved, the student’s federal financial aid eligibility will be reinstated. To maintain eligibility, 必须满足以下列出的财政援助学术计划条件,但也可能包括其他条件,如减少注册学分的数量, working with a Counselor, 或整个学期访问学术成就中心(AAC). 如果学生的上诉条件和财政援助学术计划的要求在以下学期不满足, the appeal then becomes void, and the student is placed back on NSAP status.

Students moved to 排斥的地位 are ineligible to receive federal financial aid at 赌钱app可以微信提现.  在两次被批准的上诉没有学术成功或两次因上诉中缺乏信息或文件而被拒绝的上诉后,就会出现排除状态.  财政援助办公室将审查以前不符合资格的FAFSA档案的学生,以确定他们目前是否符合最低SAP标准.

金融援助 Academic Plan Status

在学生的学术计划申请获得批准后,助学金将被授予. 财政援助学术计划状态的学生有资格通过其上诉批准的学期和学年,并可以继续获得财政援助资金, if the following requirements are met:

  1. Successfully complete their program, following DegreeCheck/Stellic Plan, and/or meet other conditions, 如果需要, as stated in the approval letter.
  2. Receive a minimum 2.0 GPA average for all classes taken in each subsequent term.
  3. Successfully complete at least 66.667% of all courses attempted during each subsequent term.

If a student does not satisfactorily complete the above criteria, 该学生将被排除在经济援助之外,并且在达到SAP标准之前不会获得任何联邦经济援助.  被排除在外的学生必须自费修学分课程,直到达到SAP标准为止. 在上诉被批准后取消财政援助学术计划的地位, 学生必须达到最低GPA和Pace标准,并且尝试的时间少于其宣布的课程公布长度的150%.